Document types
Annex C: Presentation Of Consultants And Staff
33 MB
Project report
Assessment of the Present Facilities under Mechanical Engineering Aspects in the Port of Poti Annex 7Part 1. Cranes 30 October 1997 / Оценка существующих возможностей порта по аспектам механизации
12.8 MB
Technical document
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi - Cost Benefit Analysis Phase 3
2.1 MB
Pre-feasibility and feasibility study reports
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Annexes - Phase 2
7.1 MB
Technical document
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Annexes Phase 1
11.5 MB
Technical document
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Annexes to the Volume 6 Phase 2
21 MB
Pre-feasibility and feasibility study reports
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Assessment of Poti Wheeled Equipment (Annex 7)
7.6 MB
Technical document
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Batumi Port Facilities (Annex 8)
9.3 MB
Technical document
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Completion Report
1.7 MB
Project report
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Environmental Assessment Report Phase 2 Volume 5
4.2 MB
Technical document
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Executive Summary and Privatization Concept
8.5 MB
Technical document
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Executive Summary Phase 2 Volume 1
1.6 MB
Technical document
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Executive Summary Volume 1 Phase 3
2.1 MB
Technical document
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Financial and Economic Impact Analysis Phase 3 Volume 6
5.1 MB
Pre-feasibility and feasibility study reports
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Financial and Economic Impact Analysis Report Volume 6 Phase 2
7.7 MB
Pre-feasibility and feasibility study reports
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Inception Report
2.9 MB
Project report
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Manpower Audit Port of Batumi
1.6 MB
Technical document
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Manpower Audit Port of Poti
1.8 MB
Technical document
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Master Plan of the Port Phase 2 Volume 3
15.5 MB
Technical document
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Port Handling Equipment Port of Batumi Phase 3 Volume 3
7.5 MB
Technical document
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Port Handling Equipment Port of Poti Phase 3 Volume 3
19.2 MB
Technical document
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Privatization Concept - Attachments
7.0 MB
Technical document
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Progress Report
2.5 MB
Project report
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Progress Report 2
2.8 MB
Project report
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Project Fiche
112 KB
Project fiche
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Report of the Phase 1
16.0 MB
Project report
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Survey of Railway Installations - Batumi (Annex 10)
4.0 MB
Technical document
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Survey of Railway Installations - Poti (Annex 9)
7.8 MB
Technical document
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Tender Documents
9.4 MB
Technical document
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Terms of Reference
1.6 MB
Project Terms of Reference
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans- European Networks - Traffic Forecast Phase 2 Volume 2
8.6 MB
Technical document
Feasibility Study of New Terminal Facilities in the Georgian Ports of Poti and Batumi, and their links to the Trans-European Networks - Financial and Economic Impact Analysis Phase 3 (Annexes)
10.1 MB
Pre-feasibility and feasibility study reports
Multi-Purpose Terminal Port of Batumi - Draft Tender Documents
22 MB
Project report
Phase 2 Report Vol. 4 - Financial and Economic Impact AnalysisFebruary 1998
8.9 MB
Project report
Phase 3 Report - Annexes to Volume 6, May 1998
17.6 MB
Project report
Phase 3 Report Vol. 4 - Civil Engineering Aspects, May 1998
17.5 MB
Project report
Phase 3 Report, Vol 3 - Port Handling Equipment - Poti (2) May 1998
14.9 MB
Project report
Phase 3 Report-Outline Privatisation Concept
4.1 MB
Project report
Survey of the railway installations in the port of Poti Annex 9 - Photodocumentation30 October 1997
8.0 MB
Project report
Terms of Reference - Full
24 MB
Project Terms of Reference
Изучение ж/д сооружений в порту Батуми Приложение 1030 Октября 1997 г.
6.4 MB
Project report
Изучение ж/д сооружений в порту Поти Приложение 9, 30 Октября 1997 г.
7.6 MB
Project report
Многоцелевой Терминал Порт Батуми - Тендерная Документация
17.1 MB
Project report
Начальный Отчет, 31 Октября 1997 г.
5.5 MB
Project report
Обследование рабочей силы - Поти, Май 1998
3.1 MB
Project report
Обследование рабочей силы - Батуми, Май 1998
2.7 MB
Project report
Отчет No 2 о Прогрессе Проекта, Июнь 1998 г.
4.2 MB
Project report
Отчет о 1 Фазе, 30 Октября 1997 г.
32 MB
Project report
Отчет о 2 Фазе Том 2 - Прогноз Обьёма ТранспортаФевраль, 1998г.
17.7 MB
Project report
Отчет о 2 Фазе Том I - Суммарный ОтчетФевраль 1998г.
3.2 MB
Project report
Отчет о 2 Фазе, Том 3 - Генеральный План Портов, Февраль 1998г.
29 MB
Project report
Отчет о 2 Фазе, Том 4 - Инженерно-Техническая Оценка, Февраль 1998г.
10.4 MB
Project report
Отчет о 2 Фазе, Том 5 - Анализ Окружающей Среды, Февраль 1998г.
8.7 MB
Project report
Отчет о 3 Фазе Том 1 - Суммарный Отчет, Май 1998г.
4.1 MB
Project report
Отчет о 3 Фазе, Том 3 - Портовое перегрузочное оборудование: Порт Батуми, Май 1998г.
20 MB
Project report
Отчет о 3 Фазе, Том 4 - Инженерно-Технические Аспекты, Май 1998г.
19.0 MB
Project report
Отчет о 3 Фазе, Том 6 - Анализ Финансового и Экономического Воздействия, Май 1998г.
25 MB
Project report
Отчет о 3 Фазе, Том III - Портовое перегрузочное оборудование: Порт ПотиМай 1998г.
26 MB
Project report
Отчет о 3-ей фазы, Том 3 - Портовое Перегрузочное Оборудоваение - Поти (2), Май 1998г.
17.2 MB
Project report
Отчет о завершении проекта, Июль 1998
2.7 MB
Project report
Отчет о Состоянии Проекта 1, Январь 1998г.
4.3 MB
Project report
Отчет фазы 2 Том 6 - Анализ финансового и экономического влияния, Февраль 1998г.
8.6 MB
Project report
Отчет фазы 2 Том 6 - Анализ финансового и экономического влияния-Приложения, Феврали 1998 г.
35 MB
Project report
Отчет фазы 3 Схема концепции приватизации
3.7 MB
Project report
Приложения - Фаза 2, Февраль 1998г.
13.5 MB
Project report
Расширение Контейнерных Приспособлений в Порту Поти - Тендерная Документация
31 MB
Project report
Суммарный отчет и Концепция приватизации Приложенияиюль 1998
16.0 MB
Project report
Суммарный отчет и Концепция приватизациииюль 1998 г.
16.4 MB
Project report