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Progress report IV_EN

Progress report IV RU

Annex 3 Workshop report EN

Annex 3 Workshop report_RU

Annex 4 Mission report_EN

Annex 4 Mission report RU

Annex 6 ISM Seminar EN

Annex 6 ISM Seminar RU

Annex 11 Steering Committee meeting EN

Annex 11 Steering Committee meeting RU

Directive 2000/59/EC

European experience_lessons learnt_EN

European experience_lessons learnt_RU

Group work results_RU

Group work_EN

Group work_RU

Guidance for Port Reception Facility Providers and Users_EN

Guidance for Port Reception Facility Providers and Users_RU

Responsabilities of Countries

Strengthening of national legislation_Romanian experience

Waste management guidelines for Ports and Terminals

Waste management guidelines_EN

Waste management guidelines_RU

Port waste management_EN

Port waste management_RU

Annex 6

International safety management

Obligations of Administrations related to ISM_EN

Obligations of Administrations related to ISM_RU

Implications of ISM on the Quality of the Fleet_EN

Implication of ISM on the Quality of the Fleet_RU

ISM in the EU regulatory framework_EN

ISM in the EU regulatory framework_RU

Delegation of ISM responsibilities to recognised organisations_EN

Delegation of ISM responsibilities to recognised organisations_RU

Safety through quality_Romania

Implementation of ISM Code





Annex 11

TRACECA presentation_Azerbaijan

TRACECA presentation_Azerbaijan

Sectoral programme for maritime safety for 2014-2018_Ukraine_EN

Sectoral programme for maritime safety for 2014_2018_Ukraine_RU

Latest developments in EU maritime safety policy

The Bulgarian maritime administration in integration of Acquis communautaire in maritime transport_EN

The Bulgarian maritime administration in integration of Acquis communautaire in maritime transport_RU

Experience and activities of Romanian Naval Authority as Maritime Administration_EN

Experience and activities of Romanian Naval Authority as Maritime Administration_RU

Steering Committee meeting

EMSA presentation

