IGC Meetings
In brief:
Intergovernmental Commission TRACECA (IGC) meets regularly, not less than once a year, alternating in each of the Parties to the Multilateral Agreement (MLA) each hosting for one year. As such, the host party acts as Chairman for one year. The Chairmanship of the IGC rotates every year, according to the English alphabetical order. If a party is not prepared to assume the Chairmanship, the Chairmanship goes to the subsequent party, according to the same alphabetical order.
The IGC meetings may comprise open sessions and in-camera sessions. The IGC may invite representatives of the states, which obtained observer status in the IGC to participate in the open sessions.
The IGC formulates decisions for adoption by the Parties and appropriate recommendations on questions, related to subjects listed in articles 3,8 and 9 of the MLA. All decisions of the IGC are taken by consensus.
The official and working languages of the IGC are Russian and English.