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TRACECA MoU’s are the primary basis for cooperation and coordination with International Financial Institutions, Transport Associations, Chambers of Commerce, International Non-governmental organizations (INGO) and similar institutions in various sectors of transport.

Up to the present day the PS IGC TRACECA signed 12 Memorandums of Understanding and Cooperation in various sectors of transport - railway, road, sea and air. A number of international non-governmental organizations (INGO) and intergovernmental organizations (IO) are parties of our Memorandums. 

The main principles and areas of cooperation in the signed memorandums correspond to the objectives of our Basic Multilateral Agreement which are:

a) To develop economic relations, trade and transport communication in the region of Europe, the Black Sea, the Caucasus, the Caspian Sea and Asia;
b) To facilitate access to the international market of road, air and railway transport and also commercial maritime navigation;
c) To facilitate international transport of goods and passengers and international transport of hydrocarbons;
d) To ensure traffic safety, security of goods and environmental protection;
e) To harmonize transport policy and also the legal framework in the field of transport;
f) To create equal conditions of competition between different types of transport.  

The National Secretaries representing the TRACECA member states assist us in establishing and developing relations with the representatives of International Financial Institutions, Transport Associations, Chambers of Commerce and similar institutions in their countries (art. 6.8.3., STATUTE of the PS IGC TRACECA). 

However, the Secretary General enjoys a key role in signing the Memorandums of Understanding with international organizations and International Financial Institutions by the decision of the IGC (art. 4.1.9, STATUTE of the PS IGC TRACECA).