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On 17 May 2023, the Meeting of the Working Group on Digitalization of the TRACECA Corridor was organized via web conference


More than 90 representatives from 13 member states of the MLA TRACECA considered the Regulations and Work Plan of the Working Group, as well as approaches/recommendations for the formation of a digital corridor prepared by an independent consultant.

The Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA, Mr A.A. Assavbayev, informed the participants of the meeting of the Working Group about the previous work done in the field of digitalization of the TRACECA corridor and called on the participants of the Working Group to actively work in order to implement the provisions of the Digital Concept of the International Transport Corridor TRACECA.

The main goal of the Working Group is to develop the measures necessary for the synchronous launch of the digital corridor along the TRACECA routes, and to coordinate the cooperation of the MLA Parties with international organizations and digitalization partners.

“Given the issues that need to be resolved at the international level, both technically and legally, it is necessary to prepare a draft international agreement that will regulate these issues. For example, within the framework of the agreement, it is required to determine the composition of data and methods of their transmission, to make an agreed decision on data storage, the use of electronic digital signature and authentication,” Assavbayev emphasized.

In addition, the attention of the participants during the Working Group was focused on the experience of the Republic of Türkiye in the field of digitalization of the permit system and the application of electronic permits at the international level.

Following the meeting, the participants of the TRACECA countries approved the Regulation and Work Plan of the WG meeting, and agreed to study in detail the approaches / recommendations of an independent consultant on the formation of a digital corridor and organize a special meeting to discuss the prospects for the use of electronic permits between countries.

For reference:

It should be noted that this is the first meeting of the Working Group on Digitalization of the TRACECA Corridor, established in accordance with paragraph 12 of the Final Resolutions adopted following the XVI Annual Meeting of the IGC TRACECA.

The Permanent Secretariat will prepare an annual progress report of the Working Group and submit it to the IGC TRACECA Meeting for consideration.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA