ICAO Art. 83BIS workshop
The objective of the workshop was to upgrade participants level of understanding on ICAO 83BIS article aspects. The Article was introduced to facilitate the international charter and leasing of aircraft and allows the State of Registry to transfer all or part of its functions and duties to the State of Operator of the aircraft (with the latter’s agreement). The articles of the Convention that can be included in any transfer are 12 (Rules of the Air), 30 (radio transmitting licence), 31 (Certificate of Airworthiness) and 32a) (Flight Crew Licences).
This workshop aimed not just to explain practical aspects of ICAO 83BIS Agreements, but also to create a forum for exchange of experience, rather than to simply present the subject concerned.
The workshop organised by EASA was delivered by Austro Control experts.
TRACECA Technical Assistance Projects