On April 29-30, 2024, a Regional Workshop on Aviation Security and Risk Assessment organized jointly by the Permanent Secretariat of the IGC TRACECA and the ECAC, within the framework of the project CASE II was held in Baku
This workshop brought together more than 50 representatives, regulators and stakeholders of civil aviation from the member countries of MLA TRACECA and ECAC, experts from various departments, including law enforcement agencies and airports.

The main goal is to exchange views and experiences on various threats in the field of the aviation ecosystem, develop effective methods for analyzing their impact, as well as develop a coordinated approach to risk assessment and implement effective mitigation tools.
As a part of the welcoming speech, the Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA stressed the importance of developing civil aviation along with the other modes of transport, since the TRACECA corridor is multimodal and unites 14 countries of Europe, the Caucasus and Asia.
"This workshop will be an excellent dialogue platform for national civil aviation experts to exchange opinions in the field of cyber security, on existing and emerging threats and future trends. Based on the results of the workshop, we hope that further cooperation with the ECAC will find its logical continuation in the framework of the organization of the next seminar this year," Mr. A.A. Assavbayev noted.
The project manager Hanan Achahboun spoke on behalf of the ECAC – CASE II project, noting the importance of the event held jointly with TRACECA.
"This is our first event here in Azerbaijan, and we thank TRACECA for this opportunity. The meeting marks a turning point in our ongoing efforts to improve aviation and cross-border security. This workshop, held within the framework of the CASE II project, demonstrates our common commitment to strengthening cooperation and capacity-building initiatives in this important area," Achahboun noted.
The workshop provided an opportunity for its participants and speakers from Azerbaijan, Iran, Kazakhstan, Moldova and other countries to share their experiences and study the interrelation between threat, vulnerability and risk, as well as assess their impact on the activities of airlines and airports.
The workshop program included 6 sessions focused on discussing current and emerging threats in the field of civil aviation, risk assessment and mitigation in the air and ground areas of the airport, problems arising from the implementation of risk assessment, etc.
Following the results of the workshop, the participants expressed a common intention for the possibility of organizing a meeting in the second half of 2024 in order to familiarize themselves with the results of the analysis conducted by the ECAC-CASE II project in the field of aviation security.
For reference:
- TRACECA is an internationally recognized program, the participants of which are 14 countries that have signed the "Basic Multilateral Agreement on International Transport for Development of the Europe- the Caucasus-Asia Corridor": These countries include Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Romania, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Türkiye, Uzbekistan and Ukraine. TRACECA is a stable platform for uniting interests and searching for optimal ways to build mutually beneficial cooperation, as well as the development of economic relations, trade and transport communications in the regions of Europe, the Black Sea, the Caucasus, the Caspian Sea and Asia.
The Permanent Secretariat strives to ensure that the results of current TRACECA initiatives and projects contribute to the effective development of the corridor, further liberalization of foreign trade and reduction of barriers in the movement of goods along the entire transport corridor.
For more information, please visit the TRACECA website www.traceca-org.org/en/home/ and follow the active links on social networks:
The European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) is an intergovernmental organization bringing together 44 member countries to ensure the development of a safe, efficient and sustainable European air transport system.
The CASE II project is a project funded by the European Union and implemented by the ECAC, launched in 2020 to combat the threat of terrorism to civil aviation in Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The approach used within this Project includes the involvement of experts to conduct capacity-building training activities in areas of aviation security such as security screening, risk assessment or equipment control. These activities are carried out for the benefit of partner countries located in three target regions, of which 72 have already benefited from the activities that were organized under this Project (and this number is growing).
To strengthen the aviation security capacity of partner countries, the Project Team organizes three types of capacity-building events: webinars; small events in countries with up to 12 participants; and larger seminars, sometimes with more than 100 participants. These activities are carried out by four permanent aviation security specialists from the Project Team with the support of external experts from ECAC member countries and partner countries in the three target regions selected to support the work of the Project.
To learn more about the project and determine what benefits its activities can bring to your Civil Aviation Authority, please visit: https://case2-project.org/ and follow the activities of the Project on Twitter (@CASE_II_Project) and LinkedIn (published at the @European Civil Aviation Conference).
Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA