Consistent steps towards a digital future on the TRACECA corridor
The Second Meeting of the Working Group on digitalization of the TRACECA corridor was held on February 14, 2024.

The main objective of the meeting was to create conditions for launching the digitalization of the TRACECA corridor.
The Agenda of the meeting included 2 sessions dedicated to the digitalization of Road Transport Permits and options for digitalization of the TRACECA corridor.
Within his speech, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA, Mr. Assavbayev A.A. noted the work carried out by the MLA countries in this direction and also informed the participants of the meeting that "the PS will prepare a draft action plan for harmonization of efforts in the whole TRACECA space to ensure the use of electronic permits on the territory of all 14 countries in future".
During the meeting the representatives of the MLA TRACECA member-states shared their experience on digitalization of road transport permits. In particular, the representative of the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Türkiye, Mr. Hasan Boz presented the E-permit project implemented jointly with Uzbekistan, shared information on the problems related to the distribution of physical permits in Türkiye and the problems faced by the carriers in case of damaged permits.
Moreover, Mr. Suhrob Yoqubzoda, representative of the Ministry of Transport of the Republic of Tajikistan, familiarized the audience with the electronic permit issuance system of Tajikistan. The speaker from Azerbaijan, Advisor to the Minister of Digital Development and Transport, Mr. Ilham Namazov spoke about digital information systems for transport logistics in Azerbaijan.
During the meeting, the Middle Corridor Digital Strategy project consultant, Mr. Craig Martin presented the Concept of Platform of Platforms (PoP) aimed at creating a single interoperable environment optimising operations, data exchange and collaboration using different tools and technologies.
At the end of the meeting, decisions including continuation of work on transition to electronic permits exchanged bilaterally, preparation of an action plan for the MLA Parties and development of a draft decision on introduction of electronic forms for TRACECA multilateral permits, as well as continuation of work together with the World Bank on preparation of the concept of national IT-hubs were proposed.
For reference:
- This work is carried out in accordance with the IGC Decision on the establishment of the Working Group on Digitalization of the TRACECA Corridor in order to implement the provisions of the Digital Concept of the International Transport Corridor TRACECA.
Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA