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TRACECA and Turkmenistan: strengthening of regional cooperation and development of transport and transit potential


On 16 May 2012, in Ashgabat, Turkmenistan, in the building of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan there was held the International Conference “Prospects of Development of Transport and Transit in Central Asia and the Caspian Region” organized by the Government of Turkmenistan jointly with the International Road Transport Union (IRU) with the support of a special structure of the United Nations Organization (UN OHRLLC), in cooperation with the Intergovernmental Commission of the Transport Corridor Europe-the Caucasus-Asia (TRACECA) and Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

This event assembled around 180 participants, including the representatives of state structures and the relevant agencies from 18 countries, heads of international organizations and companies, international experts and specialists, as well as the representatives of the diplomatic body of Turkmenistan.

Within the framework of the Conference heads of a number of lead international agencies discussed the issues of international traffic, trade and transit through the territory of Turkmenistan as a key transport nodal point in the region connecting major trade routes and as an inalienable component of the revival of the Great Silk Road, considered long-term regional projects and experience of states in this field. The Conference participants emphasized a key role of the public private partnership in the development of transport projects, touched upon the issues of transport infrastructure improvement, the problems of railway, ferry and Ro-Ro services, as well as – a transport dialogue for streamlining national projects, programmes and further prospects.    

In particular, it is worth noting the Blue Book which mirrors the long-term outlook of Turkmenistan in transport field “Road Transport in Turkmenistan -2012” introduced to the Conference participants.

As a moderator of one of the principal Conference sessions “Coordination of International Organizations and Financial Institutions for Development of Transport Links and Transit in Central Asia and the Caspian Region”, Mr Eduard Biriucov, Secretary General of TRACECA pointed out the meaningful role of Turkmenistan in building up the scale of transit traffic in the region, development of the transport network in whole and participation in mutually beneficial projects with the view of ensuring economic independence of the country as one of the priority strategy viewpoints of Turkmenistan.   

Mr. Biriucov emphasized as well that Turkmenistan situated at the road junction of main freight transport routes of the Eurasian region Turkmenistan contributes significantly to the development of mutually beneficial economic ties between countries and regions, and – to the enhancement of freight and passenger flows transit. Having all necessary resources and potential of international standard Turkmenistan strengthens its role as an important “intersection” en route of goods movement along the Great Silk Road.

On the outcomes of the Conference the participants adopted Resolution which is available here.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA