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Joint Efforts of the Permanent Secretariat of the IGC TRACECA and the EU in the field of Trade and Transport Development Have a Positive Effect in the Region


This statement is evidenced by the following events – the Meeting of the Permanent Secretariat (PS) of the Intergovernmental Commission (IGC) TRACECA and the Regional Workshop and Practical Training on TRACECA issues of the EU TRACECA Project “Motorways of the sea and Logistical Processes” held on 5-8 November 2012, in Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova.

These events were attended by the Government representatives of the Republic of Moldova: Mr. Valeriu Lazar, Vice Prime-Minister, Mr. Anatol Salaru, Minister of Transport and Road Infrastructure, as well as Permanent Representatives (National Secretaries) of TRACECA in the member states of the “Basic Multilateral Agreement on International transport for Development of the Europe-the Caucasus-Asia Corridor” (MLA), the representatives of the European Commission, the EUBAM mission, UN ECE, OSCE, the World Bank Project  for Development of Logistic Strategy for Moldova, managers and consultants of TRACECA projects.

The parties discussed the implementation of the IGC TRACECA Strategy for development of the international transport corridor “Europe-the Caucasus-Asia” for the period up to 2015, and the representatives of the customs services of the TRACECA member states presented the best practices of border-crossing procedures applied in the European area and TRACECA region in compliance with the international and European standards. 

In the course of the session the participants considered the issues of the on-going technical assistance projects implemented within the framework of the EU-TRACECA Programme, as well as the issue of “SILK WIND” pilot project development – a block-train in the direction of the border of China – Kazakhstan-Georgia-Azerbaijan – the West border of Turkey. The countries provided information to the participants regarding the corresponding activity carried out since July 2012 on the outcomes of the meeting in Aktau, the Republic of Kazakhstan. The Working Group discussed the issues of preparation of the draft memorandum and agreement, the organized events devoted to the action plan concerning the application of a single transport document – the CIM-SMGS bill, the Road Map for the introduction of the electronic system of data exchange among customs authorities and railway companies, the Road Map for the introduction of a competitive and predictable (transparent) through tariff applied along the whole length of the route connecting the markets of Asia, TRACECA and Europe. 

With the view of developing transit potential of the TACECA region in whole the participants reached an agreement on the development of a technical document regarding the elaboration of the TRACECA multilateral permits system in international road traffic. The project on the development of electronic maps of roads in the Caucasus and Central Asia implemented together with the International Road Union (IRU) will make it possible to ensure safety and security and to reduce transit time.

Taking into account the objectives of air transport in TRACECA countries and on the outcomes of the discussions related to perspectives of cooperation with the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC) there was adopted a decision to sign a Memorandum of Cooperation during the Tenth IGC Meeting.

It should be noted that in the course of these events the IDEA Project presented a short film about the status and perspectives of the TRACECA corridor development. You can become familiar with it by the following link.

Photos are available here: http://www.traceca-org.org  


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA