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First Steering Committee meeting of the EU-funded TRACECA Maritime Safety and Security II Project


The first Project's Steering Committee meeting was jointly organised by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) and the Project's Consortium. The meeting was hosted by Turkey and took place in Istanbul on Wednesday, January 21st, 2015.

The meeting offered the opportunity to discuss the Project's achievements and way forward, presented the activities of EMSA and the latest policy developments of the European Union Maritime Policy and transport cooperation in the region. It was also an opportunity for the partners to present progress achieved during the implementation of the project's objectives. Two round tables on integration in the national legislation of the Acquis Communautaire for rules applicable to international maritime transport and preparations to the mandatory IMO Audit Scheme were organised in order to foster an active discussion on the sustainability of the project's results and assess possible needs to be addressed during the last year of the project and beyond.



Europe Commission