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Development of Active Dialogue between TRACECA and Turkmenistan will Contribute to Strengthening of Cooperation in Eurasian Region


His Excellency Mr. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov, the President of Turkmenistan held a bilateral meeting with Mr. Eduard Biriucov, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA on 3 September 2014, in Ashgabat.

The head of state emphasized that Turkmenistan attaches great importance to comprehensive development of regional and interregional transit-transport communications, aimed to contribute to the effective implementation of huge economic potential, dynamic development and large-scale integration of the region with the system of world trade-economic links. In the context of implementation of ambitious goals of the Great Silk Road revival, the formation of the west transport corridor from Central Asia is of great importance for connecting two world economic poles of Eurasia on the basis of qualitatively new criteria.

Mr. Eduard Biriucov, the Secretary General of TRACECA, expressed his appreciation to Mr. Berdimuhamedov, President of Turkmenistan, having thanked him for assistance, support and willingness to exchange views on a wide spectrum of issues regarding future perspectives of cooperation. Particularly the discussions touched upon the issues of realization of international projects aimed at the formation of modern transport-communication infrastructure of regional and transcontinental significance in Turkmenistan. 

Mr. Biriucov informed His Excellency, the President of Turkmenistan, about the fact that the TRACECA member states continuously work on the creation of the most favourable conditions to ensure smooth and economically effective transportation of cargo and passengers between active regions of Europe, the Caucasus and Asia. 

Being currently the country-beneficiary of a number of infrastructure projects and technical assistance projects implemented within the TRACECA programme, Turkmenistan carries out active work for their realization at the local and regional levels without signing the MLA.

At the same time full participation of Turkmenistan in the TRACECA Basic Multilateral Agreement would speed up the process of the state integration with the world transport system and the sector complex modernization in view of the implementation of large-scale projects as well as taking into account favourable geographic position of Turkmenistan on the whole Eurasian continent. The Secretary General expressed hope for possible accession of Turkmenistan to the MLA in the near future.

During the meeting it was pointed out that an important factor in the development of cooperation and solution of the key issues of international importance is the progressive policy pursued by President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov which will determine swift economic growth rates in Turkmenistan and its high international authority. 

In conclusion of the discussion the head of the state of Turkmenistan affirmed his readiness to build up future interaction aimed at concrete results.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA