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Documents - Custom


Customs Control - Romania

Responsible Authority: General Directorate of Customs (ROANV001)13 Matei Millo St., sector 1, postal code 010144, Bucharest, Romania, www.customs.ro


More than 3 minutes

Control for Goods,

Exported by individuals

Resident Individuals

Non-Resident Individuals

1. Detailed information is available on the website www.customs.ro Passengers Travel Section

2. Invoices, receipts showing the origin and value of goods purchased in Romania, licenses and other documents in accordance with the laws of Romania (eg. Office documents from the National Cultural Heritage)

1. Detailed information is available on the website www.customs.ro Passengers Travel Section

2.  Invoices, receipts showing the origin and value of goods purchased in Romania, licenses and other documents in accordance with the laws of Romania (eg. Office documents from the National Cultural Heritage).

Control for the Exportation of Goods by road transport

Exportation of Goods under a TIR Carnet

1. The goods, vehicle, TIR Carnet, Transit Declaration and the accompanied documents are presented to the customs office of departure/exit for closing the operation

2. TIR Carnet, Transit Electronic decLaration, the Certificate of Approval of the vehicle, CMR and other relevant documents for exported goods

1. The goods, vehicle, TIR Carnet, Transit Declaration and the accompanied documents are presented to the customs office of departure/exit for closing the operation

2. TIR Carnet, transit electronic declaration, the certificate of approval of the vehicle, CMR and other relevant documents for exported goods

Goods, Exported  Temporarily under Cover of an ATA Carnet

1. The goods, vehicle, ATA Carnet, Export Declaration and the accompanied documents are presented to the customs office of exit / closing the operation

2. ATA Carnet, CMR and other relevant documents for exported goods

1. The goods, vehicle, ATA Carnet, Export Declaration and the accompanied documents are presented to the customs office of exit / closing the operation

2. ATA Carnet, CMR and other relevant documents for exported goods

Goods,  Exported without a TIR or ATA Carnet

1. Detailed information is available on the website www.customs.ro-sections: ˝Economic agents - Customs procedures - Placing goods under a customs regime -Export˝ and ˝e-Customs-ECS˝

2. Export Customs Declaration (EAD), invoice, transport document (CMR), packing list and other documents in accordance with the laws of Romania

1. Detailed information is available on the website www.customs.ro-sections: ˝Economic agents - Customs procedures - Placing goods under a customs regime -Export˝ and ˝e-Customs-ECS˝

2. Export Customs Declaration (EAD), invoice, transport document (CMR), packing list and other documents in accordance with the laws of Romania


Control for the Exportation of Goods by rail transport


1. Detailed information is available on the website www.customs.ro -sections: ˝Economic agents - Customs procedures - Placing goods under a customs regime -Export˝ and ˝e-Customs-ECS˝

2. Export Customs Declaration (EAD), invoice, transport document (CIM), packing list and other documents in accordance with the laws of Romania

Control for the Exportation of Goods by sea transport


1. Detailed information is available on the website www.customs.ro -sections: ˝Economic agents - Customs procedures - Placing goods under a customs regime -Export˝ and ˝e-Customs-ECS˝

2. Export Customs Declaration (EAD), invoice, transport document, packing list and other documents in accordance with the laws of Romania



Customs Control - Romania

Responsible Authority

National Customs Authority (Autoritatea Naţională a Vămilor) (ROANV001)  13 Matei Millo St., sector 1, postal code 010144, Bucharest, Romania, www.customs.ro


More than 3 minutes

Control for Goods,

Imported by individuals

Resident Individuals

Non-Resident Individuals

1.  Detailed information is available on the website www.customs.ro – Passengers Travel Section

1.  Detailed information is available on the website www.customs.ro – Passengers Travel Section

Control for the Importation of Goods by road transport

Importation  of Goods under a TIR Carnet

1. the goods, vehicle, TIR Carnet, entry declaration and the accompanied documents are presented to the customs office of departure/entry for opening the operation

2.Entry summary electronic declaration, TIR Carnet, the certificate of approval of the vehicle, CMR and other relevant documents for entrance goods

1. the goods, vehicle, TIR Carnet, entry declaration and the accompanied documents are presented to the customs office of departure/entry for opening the operation

2.Entry summary electronic declaration, TIR Carnet, the certificate of approval of the vehicle, CMR and other relevant documents for entrance goods

Goods, Imported  Temporarily under Cover of an ATA Carnet

1. The goods, vehicle, ATA Carnet and the accompanied documents are presented to the customs office of entry

2. ATA Carnet, transport document  and other relevant documents for entrance goods

1. The goods, vehicle, ATA Carnet and the accompanied documents are presented to the customs office of entry

2. ATA Carnet, transport document  and other relevant documents for entrance goods

Goods,   Imported  without a TIR or ATA Carnet

1. Customs procedures for goods are made at the crossing of each customs territory.

2.  Invoice, transport document, Customs Transit Declaration, Packing List and other documents in accordance with the laws of Romania (eg licenses).

1.  Customs procedures for goods are made at the crossing of each customs territory.

2.  Invoice, transport document, Customs Transit Declaration, Packing List and other documents in accordance with the laws of Romania (eg licenses).

Control for the Import of Goods by rail transport


1.  Customs procedures for goods are made at the crossing of each customs territory.

2.  Invoice, transport document (CIM), Customs Transit Declaration, Packing List and other documents in accordance with the laws of Romania (eg licenses).

Control for the Import of Goods by sea transport


1.  Customs procedures for goods are made at the crossing of each customs territory.

2.  Invoice, transport document, Customs Transit Declaration, Packing List and other documents in accordance with the laws of Romania (eg licenses).



Customs Control - Romania

Responsible Authority

National Customs Authority (Autoritatea Naţională a Vămilor) (ROANV001)  13 Matei Millo St., sector 1, postal code 010144, Bucharest, Romania, www.customs.ro


More than 3 minutes

Control for Goods,

carrying by individuals

Resident Individuals

Non-Resident Individuals

1.  Detailed information is available on the website www.customs.ro – Passengers Travel Section

2.  Invoices, receipts showing the origin and value of goods purchased, licenses and other documents in accordance with legislation
Romania (eg documents from the  Office of the National Cultural Heritage).

1.  Detailed information is available on the website www.customs.ro – Passengers Travel Section

2.  Invoices, receipts showing the origin and value of goods purchased, licenses and other documents in accordance with legislation
Romania (eg documents from the  Office of the National Cultural Heritage).

Control for the Transit of Goods by road transport

Transit  of Goods under a TIR Carnet

1. The goods, vehicle, TIR Carnet and the accompanied documents are presented to the customs office of departure(entry) / destination (exit) for opening/closing the transit operation

2. Entry/Exit summary electronic declaration, TIR Carnet, transit electronic declaration, the certificate of approval of the vehicle, CMR and other relevant documents for goods

1. The goods, vehicle, TIR Carnet and the accompanied documents are presented to the customs office of departure(entry) / destination (exit) for opening/closing the transit operation

2. Entry/Exit summary electronic declaration, TIR Carnet, transit electronic declaration, the certificate of approval of the vehicle, CMR and other relevant documents for goods

Goods,  Transit   Temporarily under Cover of an ATA Carnet

1. The goods, vehicle, ATA Carnet and the accompanied documents are presented to the customs office of departure(entry) / destination (exit) for opening/closing the transit operation

2. ATA Carnet and  other  relevant  documents for goods

1. The goods, vehicle, ATA Carnet and the accompanied documents are presented to the customs office of departure(entry) / destination (exit) for opening/closing the transit operation

2. ATA Carnet and  other  relevant documents for goods

Goods,    Transit  without a TIR or ATA Carnet

1. the goods, vehicle, T1 transit declaration and the accompanied documents are presented to the customs office of departure(entry) / destination (exit) for opening /closing the transit operation

2. Entry/Exit summary  declaration, transit electronic declaration and other the relevant documents for goods

1. the goods, vehicle, T1 transit declaration and the accompanied documents are presented to the customs office of departure(entry) / destination (exit) for opening /closing the transit operation

2. Entry/Exit summary  declaration, transit electronic declaration and other the relevant documents for goods

Control for the Transit of Goods by rail transport


1. the goods, vehicle, T1 transit declaration and the accompanied documents are presented to the customs office of departure(entry) / destination (exit) for opening/closing the transit operation

2. Entry/Exit summary declaration, the transit electronic declaration and CIM document or the CIM document as a transit customs declaration, for the cases when a simplified procedure is used. 

Control for the  Transit of Goods by sea transport


Not applicable


Note: Detailed information on customs operations, as well as legal regulations can be obtained on site www.customs.ro