Opening Seminar

The Regional Opening Event was held from the 14th to 16th February in Kiev, Ukraine. Minutes were issued and distributed on February 22nd.. Representatives from all beneficiary countries attended this event and met the STEs in round table sessions. There were five sessions per ENPI country, one per technical domain, and two sessions per Central Asia country (regarding security and ATM). 

The purpose for the STEs was to understand the situation and needs in the domain and country considered with the support of the questionnaire. The outcomes from these sessions were then used by the STEs as inputs to draft their respective report (one per technical domain).


14.02.2012 - 16.02.2012

Уровень мероприятия:


Место проведения, Адрес:

Hotel "Kreshchatik", The address: Kreschatik Str., 14, Ph.: +38 (044) 596 80 04

Организатор мероприятия:

TRACECA Technical Assistance Projects


tel./fax +38 044 279 01 34, +38 044 279 64 72