International Transport Forum


The 2012 Summit of Transport Ministers, organised by the International Transport Forum at the OECD, will convene on 2-4 May in Leipzig, Germany. The Summit brings together Ministers, industry leaders and top thinkers from the Forum’s 53 member countries and beyond to examine the issue of connectivity.

Themed "Seamless Transport: Making Connections", the 2012 Summit will focus on the ways in which seamless transport can better connect people and markets, systems and sectors. With a wide range of global players present and a Ministerial meeting at its core, the Summit will push the agenda on better connectivity.

For more information about ITF 2012 please visit


02.05.2012 - 04.05.2012

Тип мероприятия:

Уровень мероприятия:


Место проведения, Адрес:

Leipzig, Germany

Организатор мероприятия:


ITF 2012 Team

phone: 0049 (0) 341 678 6864
fax: 0049 (0) 341 678 8972
