Steering Committee n°3

The third Steering Committee Meeting jointly organized with EASA day took place in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, on 17 October2013. It was attended by:

The role of the Steering Committee is to engage beneficiary countries to the decision making process as well as to supervise progress of the Project and to provide guidance on the major areas of focus. It allowed to review the past and up-coming activities of the Project and to provide advice and inputs when required.

The agenda of the meeting was:
Hearing of Team's report on Project progress since the start of the Project
Hearing of Team's presentation of Project planned activities for the next 6 months
Hearing of Beneficiaries’ priorities and expectations to be dealt by the Project
Validating of actions undertaken and validating or amending of further orientations
Review of critical issues and deciding on possible remedial actions
Presentation of the functionalities updated Project’s website Traceca Civil Aviation


16.10.2013 - 17.10.2013

Уровень мероприятия:


Место проведения, Адрес:

Golden Dragon Hotel,
"San and Company" Property.
Elebaev street, 60.
Index 720005,
 Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic 

Организатор мероприятия:

TRACECA Technical Assistance Projects

tel.: +38 044 279 01 34