Regional Working Group within the TRACECA “Land transport safety and security» (LTSS) project was held on 24-25 May 2011 in the Conference Centre of the European Commission (Borschette), Brussels, Belgium
The meeting was attended by Mr. Eduard Biriucov, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA, Permanent Representatives (National Secretaries) of the PS IGC TRACECA to the Parties of the MLA, representatives of the European Commission: Ms. Carmen Falkenberg, Head of sector, DG DEVCO, Mr. Jose Fernandez Garcia, Policy Officer, DG MOVE, Ms. Barbara Bernardi, Programme Manager for Transport, DG DEVCO, as well as Mr. John Field, Team Leader of LTSS project, consultants of the project, representatives of the NGOs, European Investment Bank (EIB) and World Bank (WB). The main purpose of the meeting is to develop a common and final understanding of the problems by the parties and find effective ways and methods of assurance road safety in the TRACECA countries. The ideas developed by the members of the Regional Working Group will form the basis of agreed document – Regional Road Safety Action Plan for the TRACECA countries.
It is expected that the mentioned Action Plan will also be based on international practices, which showed that road safety can be improved only through systematic work of all sectors affecting road safety, and the best way is an integrated, coordinated road safety program.
The results of sub-regional working groups as well as the preliminary structure of the Action Plan on Road Safety of TRACECA presented during the session.
Within the two-days of the working group participants of the meeting exchanged views, wrapped up preliminary results and discussed next steps for the preparation and implementation of the Regional Plan.
Following the meeting, participants expressed hope that the Working Group will enjoy sufficient support in their countries and will make every effort to develop and implement the Plan for land transport safety and security, taking into consideration the full support of governments of MLA countries and consultants of the project.
Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA