About the Project
Project description
The EU-funded TRACECA Civil Aviation II Project (Reference EUROPEAID/131347/C/SER/MULTI– Contract number: ENPI 2011/279-740) is part of the Transport Corridor Europe Caucasus Asia programme, which fosters regional transport integration between partner countries. The project objective is to improve market access, air traffic management (ATM), environment, social/consumer protection and security technical domains in the region in line with ICAO and European civil aviation standards.
Direct beneficiary countries are Eastern Partnership partners: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine; and the Central Asia TRACECA countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. Indirect beneficiaries are Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey.
The EU TRACECA Civil Aviation II Project aims at supporting the sustainable development of civil aviation in the beneficiary countries, harmonizing regulations and working practices to comply with international standards (ICAO), international best practices and prepare for the implementation of international standards and EU regulations concerning security, ATM and the environment.
The specific objectives are:
- To continue to acquaint aviation personnel (in the sectors of security, ATM and environment of the beneficiary countries) from the administration and from operators with the requirements of international and European conventions, resolutions and standards.
- To continue to provide aviation personnel (in the sectors of security, ATM and environment of the beneficiary countries) from the administration and from operators with improved knowledge, skills and capacities in the relevant technical sectors.
- To contribute to further development and strengthening of the administrative capacity of the civil aviation authorities of the beneficiary countries in their implementation of international and, where relevant, European security, ATM and environmental standards.
- To prepare the civil aviation authorities of the beneficiary countries for closer relations with (Central Asia) or integration (Caucasus, Moldova, Ukraine) to Pan-European aviation structures.
- To promote closer regional cooperation between the aviation administrations of the beneficiary countries to optimize the use of scarce resources.
Requested outputs:
- Progress as regards regulatory approximation towards the EU aviation acquis for the ENPI countries;
- Contributing to the extension of the Common Aviation Area to the ENPI countries;
- Progress as regards security issues and ATM safety for the Central Asian countries.
In order to achieve these results, the main work packages of the project are:
- WP 1: Assessment of TRACECA 1 achievements / needs analysis
1.1: Analysis of TRACECA 1 achievements / remaining needs
1.2: Preparation of questionnaires
1.3: Regional Opening Seminar
1.4: Inception report including a draft action plan
· WP 2: Support in the field of aviation security
2.1: Design of activities for security support
2.2: Training and Workshops
2.3: Technical Assistance
· WP 2bis: Support in the field of ATM
2bis.1: Design of activities for ATM support
2bis.2: Training and Workshops
2bis.3: Technical Assistance
· WP 3: Support related to European Common Aviation Area
3.1: Analysis of the current situation / gap analysis for each ENPI country
3.2: Training and Workshops on EU legislation
3.3: Roadmap towards the European Common Aviation Area
3.4: Technical Assistance
3.5: Coordination with EASA
· WP 4: Awareness, Communication and Visibility Programme
Target groups: The beneficiary countries are countries of the ENPI East region and Central Asia, participating in the TRACECA programme. Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey are indirect beneficiary countries.
The Project Partners are the Ministries of Transport and other state entities responsible for civil aviation. The target groups will include management, technical, operational and instructional personnel working in the safety, security, ATM and environmental areas of:
- The Civil Aviation Departments in the Ministries of Transport;
- The Civil Aviation Authorities or other Authorities;
- The Operational, technical and administrative departments of airports;
- The Operational, technical and administrative departments of airlines;
- The Instructional and administrative departments of those training centers, academies, schools etc. that are concerned with aviation disciplines.
. http://www.tracecacivilaviation.org/general-information.html