Workshop on “Road and Rail transport corridors along Europe and Asia” took place in Geneva under the auspices of UNECE
On September 7-9, 2015, in Geneva (Switzerland), at the UN office (Palais des Nations) there was held the 28th session of the Working Party on Transport Trends and Economics organized by the Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE).
The TRACECA Permanent Secretariat participated in this event at expert level during the first day within the Workshop on "Road and Rail transport corridors along Europe and Asia".
The workshop was attended by the representatives of international organizations, IFI’s and a number of UN member-states, including the representatives of the TRACECA countries delegations (such as Turkey and Ukraine), as well as the EC representative (DG MOVE).
Delegates participating in the session discussed a broad range of issues related to changes in Eurasian transport networks, trends and challenges mainly in road and rail sectors. After greeting the participants Ms Eva Molnar (Director of UNECE Transport Division) emphasized the need to develop efficient land transport corridors between Europe and Asia.
During this event, representatives from different organizations and projects dealing with corridors development along Europe and Asia as well as experts from International Financial Institutions had the opportunity to present and share their views and good practices on corridors development. The workshop also considered some suggestions of Governments and International Organizations on future development of regional transport networks, investment projects’ policy as well as some initiatives to eliminate border crossings delays and infrastructure missing links. The main objective was to bring together experts related to corridors development and management to discuss challenges and new development concepts as well as to consider possible future activities and concerted actions.
Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA