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Uzbekistan, its role in the IGC TRACECA and further activities is on the Agenda of discussion.


On 23 October 2019, Mr. Ciopraga, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA and Mr. Elyor Ganiyev, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan on investments and foreign economic relations met during Tbilisi Silk Road Forum.

Special attention of the meeting was focused on the issues of further development of the dialogue with the representatives of the Republic of Uzbekistan, its role and active participation in life of the international transport corridor (ITC) TRACECA. Several international transport corridors (ITC) extend through the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan, including the ITC TRACECA being a multimodal system of road and railway routes to ensure international combined traffic.  

Mr. Ciopraga emphasized that at the launch of TRACECA Programme, Uzbekistan made every effort to make use of the transport potential of their country for the benefit of development of transport connections between Europe and Asia. 

Participation in the TRACECA Programme had a positive influence on the transport sector of the Republic both form the point of view of infrastructure development and – institutional strengthening, legislation improvement and capacity building of the country. «By virtue of location in the centre of the Eurasian continent between large and dynamically developing markets of Europe, East and South-East Asia, economic potential and historic traditions Uzbekistan actively advocates international integration into the system of economic relations», Mr.
Ciopraga noted.  

For the period of the TRACECA Programme implementation technical assistance was provided to Uzbekistan in the form of consulting support in the amount of about 10 million Euros, and investment projects were implemented in the total amount of 4,250,000 million Euros.

Mr. Ganiyev and Mr. Ciopraga also exchanged views on the status of the implementation of the Strategy of the IGC TRACECA up to 2026, elaborated on the basis of TRACECA Master Plan and proposals of the countries, plan of activities nowadays and Action Plan for 2018-2021.

The discussion also touched the status of accession of Uzbekistan to the Agreement on Joint Financing of the PS IGC TRACECA between the Governments of the Parties to the Basic Multilateral Agreement on International Transport for Development of the Europe-the Caucasus – Asia Corridor as well as the Protocols and Agreements TRACECA for ratifying by Uzbekistan.



Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA