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Uzbekistan, its role in the IGC TRACECA and further activities is on the Agenda of discussion


On 2 May 2016 upon the Invitation of Mr. Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General, Mr. Saidrakhim Ikramov, Permanent Representative (National Secretary) of the PS IGC TRACECA in the Republic of Uzbekistan made an official visit to TRACECA Headquarter.

Main issue of discussion was the accession of Uzbekistan to the Agreement on Joint Financing of the PS IGC TRACECA between the Governments of the Parties to the Basic Multilateral Agreement on International Transport for Development of the Europe-the Caucasus – Asia Corridor. 

Mr. Ikramov shared his views with Mr. Ciopraga and stressed that the issue of signature of the Agreement by Uzbekistan is under consideration of the related authorities. In his turn, Mr. Ciopraga assured Mr. Ikramov in his full support of the Permanent Secretariat within future mutual efforts.

Exchange of opinions also touched the issue of the next Presidency in the IGC TRACECA after Ukraine which is coming in 2017. Mr. Ikramov mentioned that the final decision is to be sounded by the Head of Delegation of Uzbekistan during the IGC in Ukraine on 1 June 2016. 


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA