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Transport Logistics – the instrument of the international trade development and transportation services


For many years TRACECA has been cooperating with the leading international organizations, financial institutions associations and operators in the field of development of Eurasian transport connections and initiatives for the coordination of TRACECA countries, at the same time taking practical steps aiming at the implementation of strategic objectives in the field of transport branch and trade.

Currently the development of the transport system in the TRACECA region is directly connected with the logistics development and building of the transport-logistics centers. Up to its parameters the TRACECA corridor is a multimodal system of land and sea routs. In this connection during the process of the regional projects identification the special attention attends to the current technologies of carriers’ implementation with the utilization of transport-logistics schemes of cargoes transportation.

The huge cargo-generating potential creates a real platform for the development of dynamically growing transport-logistics business in the TRACECA courtiers. 

All the participants of the XIX Logistics Conference and Forum of the Hungarian Logistic Association (HLA) “Kazakhstan as a Logistics Center”, held on 20-21 February 2014, in Budapest, Hungary, reached a common opinion that strong transport-logistics system and coefficient investments in building of new transport links and centers create  huge potential for the development of qualitative transportations. Nevertheless, in order to provide its effective operation it is necessary to rely on the state support regarding creation of favorable macroeconomic conditions, especially in the field of international traffic.

The detection of unused potential, elimination of narrow sites, factors impacting the movement of goods, competitiveness and development of road transport are the key issues of the Forums’ Agenda. During discussions the active part attended representatives of the Hungarian Logistic Association, Ministry of National Economy of Hungary, Ministry of Transport and Communications of the republic of Kazakhstan, Kazakhstan Temir Zholy, the Permanent Secretariat IGC TRACECA, representatives of private sector, business owners and others.Basic kernel of discussion turned out the HLA interest to Kazakhstan as one of leading logistics centers in the Central Asia.

Focusing on Kazakhstan, TRACECA recommends a number of measures for realization, Plan of measures of the Master-plan the new TRACECA strategic document, necessary for elimination of narrow sites, embracing three levels of impact (local, regional and interregional). Among of all other measures, issues on the introduction in the Aktau port of the single window pilot project, the development and introduction of the Concept of the economic operator are remaining the most essential and topical.

During the Forum, Ms. Iuliana Stasiuc , the Head of the Group of TRACECA Experts, introduced to the participants one of the most perspective and extensional projects over which TRACECA conducts work now, conditionally called "Silk Wind". This is creation of a route of the block-train multimodal transport (container/RORO/RO-LA) with a system of the prior information exchange between custom services and rail transport operators of member-countries of the project. The members of the project are: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Georgia,Turkey. 

In conclusion of the Forum, the parties emphasized the need of active expansion and mutually cooperation between the all interested parties: the government, private sector, bilateral, on the international level by the representatives of business organizations for disclosure of investment, economic and trade potential of both Kazakhstan as the whole TRACECA region.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA