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Transit potential as a factor stimulating interregional development of TRACECA and harmonization of the transport process


On February 21, 2020, a meeting was held between Mr. Asset Assavbayev, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA and Mr. Rustam Soli, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Tajikistan to Azerbaijan.

During the meeting the Ambassador stressed the international significance of the TRACECA transit corridor, wherein Tajikistan is an active participant, its potential and prospects for the development of regional trade.

The multimodal system of land and maritime routes of the corridor is essential for all TRACECA member states. At the same time, capacity development activities aimed at harmonizing transport policies and legal basis, ensuring cargo traffic safety and environmental protection have a positive impact.

Mr. Soli said that within the corridor, the delivery of cargo along the routes passing through the territory of Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, and then through the territories of Azerbaijan, Georgia, and Turkey is of utmost importance.

Mr. Ambassador also expressed interest in further implementation of technical assistance projects by the European Union and within the TRACECA activities – in providing assistance to attract investment from IFI to the infrastructural development of Tajikistan.  

In his turn, the Secretary General of TRACECA shared his plans and vision of the potential development of the international transport corridor, as well as the steps taken to attract stakeholders and business community to discuss real possibilities of the TRACECA international transport corridor.

Mr. Assavbayev shared with Mr. Soli the proposed approaches to defining the subject matters of new technical assistance projects in order to ensure the harmonized development of transport.

At present, Tajikistan is trying to optimize and systematize transit policy tools to make it more attractive and customer-oriented. However, Tajikistan participates in many global conventions in the field of transit transport and signed agreements and treaties on regional partnership that regulate the transit regime of customs territories and border crossing control.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA