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TRACECA Maritime Safety and Security II Project held a Workshop in Baku


The European Union (EU) funded TRACECA Maritime Safety and Security II Project organized a Workshop on Monitoring of Recognized Organizations in Baku, Azerbaijan, between the 08 and 10 July 2014.

The main objectives of the workshop were:

- Understand the legal basis for the delegation of authority and the pros and cons of such delegation on the fleet's quality.

- Discussion of the effect of monitoring of activities of recognized organizations and different monitoring approaches.

- Introduction of monitoring obligations of a flag State in view of the new RO Code.

- Influence the authorization contract to facilitate monitoring efforts.

- Exchange of experience gained with different recognized organizations.

The workshop aimed at persons responsible for the authorization of recognised organizations and the subsequent monitoring at maritime administrations of the partner countries of the TRACECA Maritime Safety and Security II Project.

The workshop addressed topics related to high level authorization aspects and practical monitoring concepts.

The representatives of the Permanent Secretariat and the National Secretariat IGC TRACECA in Azerbaijan, maritime administrations of the project partner countries from Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Turkey, Turkmenistan, and Ukraine participated in the workshop. Romania and Bulgaria were invited as speakers.



TRACECA Technical Assistance Projects