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TRACECA in Georgia: H.E. Mrs. Natela Turnava, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia and Mr. Ciopraga exchanged opinions on the transnational economic opportunities and transport flows in the region


On 21 October 2019, within the official visit to Georgia, Mr. Mircea Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General and Mrs. Natela Turnava, Minister of Economy and Sustainable Development of Georgia discussed the transnational economic relations and transport flows in Eurasian region.

During the meeting, it was mentioned that TRACECA member-states have full potential and unique network of free trade agreements stretching from Europe to China. 

In particular, Georgia, representing a natural bridge for East-West connectivity, boasts one of the most open economies and favorable trade and business environments in the world. The existing transport potential of the TRACECA member states allows satisfying the increasing demands in transport services and accelerating the development of transport infrastructure.

The key ports and the transport gates to the Caucasus and Central Asia are the Georgian ports in the Black Sea basin. They are linked to the regular maritime communications connecting the South Caucasus with Ukraine, Turkey and the EU countries.

The construction of the largest port in Georgia in the region of Anaklia, the completion of the first component of the port and the beginning of its operation will double the transshipment of container and other goods. This will create absolutely new opportunities in Georgia in order to maximally use the corridor’s main routes with bigger capacities.  
Mr. Ciopraga and H.E. Mrs. Turnava also underlined that member-states through the routes of the international transport corridor (ITC) TRACECA have meaningful platform for the development of transport communication, trade facilitation and harmonization of regulations affecting movement of human capital, goods and services two economic areas of the Eurasian continent.

At the same time, Mr. Ciopraga and H.E. Mrs. Turnava had also touched on the issues to be discussed during the Agenda of the upcoming 14th Meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission TRACECA and TRACECA 20th Anniversary Conference, to be held on 5-6 December 2019, in Baku, Azerbaijan.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA