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TRACECA activity is in the focus of discussion and attention of the all mass media and communities of TRACECA member-states


On 20 October 2017, upon the official invitation, the bilateral meeting between Mr. Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General and Mrs. Maria Atanasova-Guseynova, chairperson of the Association Support for Development of Azerbaijan-Bulgarian Friendship, editor of the international journal “Accord” in Baku was held in the office of TRACECA Headquarter.

The meeting agenda included the discussions on the issues regarding the status of the implementation of EU-TRACECA projects in the field of road and rail transport, infrastructure and investments to be allocated for the implementation of the technical-assistance projects. 

Mr. Ciopraga and Mrs. Atanasova exchanged of opinions on both input to bilateral cooperation Azerbaijan-Bulgaria and the multilateral cooperation Bulgaria-TRACECA as well as contribution of the Republic of Bulgaria to the development of international transport corridor TRACECA. 

During the meeting, Mrs. Atanasova stressed the increased attention and interest of Bulgarian community to the international projects and programs, particularly to EU-TRACECA Programme, which has been launched in 1993 and based with the office of the Permanent Secretariat of the IGC TRACECA and its Headquarter from 2001. 

On the outcomes of the fruitful discussion, Mr. Ciopraga and Mrs. Atanasova agreed to continue cooperation on the basis of the interview of TRACECA Secretary General to international journal “Accord” to be enlightened in the press and published within few weeks. 


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA