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Routes of the TRACECA corridor are waiting for a "restart"


On September 02, 2020, the first Meeting of the Working Group on Streamlining the TRACECA transport routes scheme was held via web conferencing.

The main objective of the Working Group is to develop approaches to streamlining the transport communications scheme and to define the criteria for identifying routes that pass through the territories of Europe, the Caucasus and Asia.

During the Meeting, members of the Working Group pointed out that the current map of the ITC TRACECA, which includes 47 routes of the corridor, needs to be updated.

In addition, in the framework of the Meeting the participants of the WG discussed the draft Methodology for Identification of the Routes of the International Transport Corridor TRACECA, which provides for definition of the clear criteria for complementing the existing routes.

The application of the developed Methodology is particularly relevant at the time of accession of countries to the Basic Multilateral Agreement on International Transport for Development of the Europe-the Caucasus-Asia corridor (MLA) TRACECA (Baku, September 8, 1998).

Thus, the definition of the routes will be regulated, and the process and procedure for forming corridor routes will be simple and at the same time transparent.

On the outcomes of the Meeting of the Working Group, it was decided to make the relevant changes to the Methodology according to the comments of representatives from Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Iran, Kazakhstan, and Turkey and to submit it for consideration during the next Permanent Secretariat Meeting.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA