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Regional and Interregional transport dialogue for the transport networks’ interoperability and Euro-Asian transport links


On 22 May 2015, within Astana Economic Forum Mr. Mircea Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General and Mr. Nenad Nikolic, Regional Adviser of the Transport Division of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) discussed the issues of mutual cooperation.

Left: Mr. Mircea Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General; Right: Mr. Nenad Nikolic, Regional Advisor, Transport Division, UNECE

During the meeting discussion included the issues and current problems of transport, development of transport infrastructure in the regions of Europe, Caucasus and Asia as well as latest plans and activities in TRACECA. They exchanged views on existing barriers, transportation of goods carried and the further expansion of transportation along the TRACECA corridor.

TRACECA corridor is currently at a new stage of its development. Noting the perspective directions of TRACECA activities for the next period, Mr. Ciopraga mentioned the necessity to renew collaboration between TRACECA and UNECE.

In view of the intention of TRACECA to transform into international organization, practical actions are to be taken in the future work and experience of different international structures and institutions could be helpful to achieve this aim.

Parties emphasized the significance of the cooperation of those organizations involved in the development of transport and trade facilitation in the region. Coherence of actions of the related programmes and organizations will promote more efficient realization of the tasks, allow to avoid the duplication of actions, to optimize the use of resources, to concentrate on the implementation of the priority projects.



Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA