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Railway transport has always been the lifeblood to deliver goods and passengers. Discussion with Mr. Andrey Yershov, Commercial Director of EKZ plant and Mr. Viktor Naumkin, engineering specialist of Talgo plant in Kazakhstan


In the field of railway transport Kazakhstan, as one of the main TRACECA member-states carried out reforms.

Full separation of social sphere, transport and infrastructure enterprises, passenger and freight traffic was fulfilled. On the basis of engine yard and car fleet there were established independent legal entities.

Within the working visit to Kazakhstan on May 2015, Mr. Ciopraga, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA expressed his interest to get introduced with the status of railway industry and visit the related plants.

It should be mentioned that the length of railways in Kazakhstan is more than 15 thousand km. There are 11 jointing points with Russia, 2 points - with Uzbekistan and China, 1 point – with Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan each connecting the railway system of Kazakhstan with neighbouring states. There are more than 100 thousand units of rolling stock.

During the visit to Elektrovoz Kurastyru Zauyty (EKZ) LLP Mr. Andrey Yershov, Commercial Director of the plant and Mr. Viktor Naumkin, Talgo passenger coaches manufacturing plant, Mr. Ciopraga was informed about recent activities on the plants.

Within the framework of the Programme for Development of Railway Transport in the Republic of Kazakhstan up to 2020 it is envisaged to purchase 1512 locomotives, more than 53 thousand freight and 2000 passenger wagons. It is also envisaged to rebuild and repair 14,5  thousand km of railway lines and to renovate 258 structures.

The total amount of investment will make about USD 36 billion. One more important objective is the decrease of depreciation of railway assets. By 2020 it is planned to decrease this indicator to 40%. Thus in Kazakhstan a new sector of transport equipment was actually created.



Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA