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Priority areas of invigorating the dynamics of the transit corridor development are in the focus of discussions


On 20 February 2020, during the course of the Meeting with Mr Ramin Guluzade, Minister of Transport, Information Technologies and Communications, Mr Asset Assavbayev, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA presented his views on the priority activity areas and the initiatives of the Permanent Secretariat of the IGC TRACECA.

According to Mr Asset Assavbayev, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA, among key priority areas the following activities can be distinguished – containerization, streamlining border crossing procedures, implementation of a single electronic document and elaboration of a new technical annex to the MLA on TRACECA electronic document management system, development of an agreement on transit traffic with CPR, conversion of the TRACECA permits system to electronic format with elaboration of mobile application for drivers, assistance to TRACECA projects, etc.

During the discussions the participants of the meeting emphasized that effective results could be obtained via maximum cooperation, coordinated approach and synchronization of TRACECA activities with the interested parties in the field of infrastructure development and extension of the routes, further increase of containers’ flow along the TRACECA corridor, determination of optimal tariffs along the routes.

Mr. Guluzade expressed preparedness to combined efforts in increasing the volumes of transit traffic in the East-West direction. The Minister also indicated the necessity of attracting business structures and business circles for the development of cooperation in this field, emphasizing the importance of observing the standards of the legislation of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

On the outcomes of the meeting the Parties emphasized the necessity of facilitating transit traffic procedures with the view of strengthening the regional transport dialogue on the whole.




Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA