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On the way to phased implementation of the Model Highway Initiative


Within the framework of cooperation between TRACECA and IRU Mr. Eduard Biriucov, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA, took part in the Workshop on Investment, Financial and Technological Issues of the Model Highway Initiative (MHI) implementation held on 6-8 March 2012, in Thessaloniki, Greece.

Further liberalization of foreign trade and elimination of barriers along the travel line of cargo and transport is the key prerequisite for formation of an efficient transit Euro-Asian communication.

In view of the necessity to remove physical and non-physical barriers and in general to develop transport infrastructure in the corridor, in 2010 the Eighth IGC Meeting in Brussels approved the Concept of Development of International Road Traffic along the Transport Corridor Europe-the Caucasus-Asia that had been developed jointly with IRU.

In the context of the implementation of the Concept provisions, the improvement of goods transit conditions through upgrading border-crossing procedures and developing road infrastructure implies the application of modern technologies at interstate border check-points.

Mister E. Biriucov also noted the necessity that the countries, covering international transport corridors routes, should be ready to fulfill institutional and administrative reforms at the national level, as well as the cooperation and coordination of efforts of relevant international organizations, IFIs and the Governments of transit countries.

It should be noted that the Project “Model Highway Initiative” received support among TRACECA member-states. Besides there started the process of negotiations with the European Commission on the possibilities of search for financial resources in order to realize separate components of this project.

Within the framework of the Workshop Mr. E. Biriucov informed the meeting’s participants on the measures taken with the view of simplifying border-crossing procedures in TRACECA    countries. At this stage the countries actively launched the introduction of the “single window” concept at the road check-points, as well as of new technologies and the renewal of the check-points’ equipment, which in its turn would have a beneficial effect on the time of goods delivery and the transit process. The “single window” concept applies currently in Moldova, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan and Armenia.



Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA