On October 21, 2020 TRACECA and IRU held a Seminar on the latest developments in the digitization of transport documents (eTIR and eCMR)
In order to discuss a relevant topic, the Seminar brought together both representatives of government agencies and national representatives of road carriers who are directly involved in the transportation process.
The main objective of the seminar is to exchange information, views and experience on current developments in the digitalization of road transport, as well as to jointly develop coordinated actions for the implementation of e-TIR and e-CMR.
Computerization of procedures instead of paper documentation will further enhance transport efficiency and competitiveness of the TRACECA corridor.
TRACECA countries such as Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkey have already made significant contributions to the implementation of e-TIR in 2021 through its pilot application. During the Seminar, representatives from Azerbaijan, Iran and Turkey, as well as speakers from the International Road Transport Union shared their experience and results of the pilot application of e-TIR and talked about the benefits of using electronic documents. In addition, within the framework of the Seminar, the prospects for using e-CMR were discussed. Today 8 countries out of 13 TRACECA member countries have joined e-CMR (Bulgaria, Iran, Moldova, Romania, Turkey, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine).
TRACECA and IRU fully support the initiative for the transition to electronic format and are ready to provide support in the application of digital transport documents. In the future, TRACECA and IRU will start working out concrete steps to ensure the practical application of digital transport documents and will continue to work to improve the efficiency of transport.
Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA