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On March 16, 2020, the meeting of Mr. Asset Assavbayev TRACECA Secretary General with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Azerbaijan Javad Jahangirzadeh was held


Iran, as a member country of the IGC TRACECA since joining the Basic Multilateral Agreement (MLA), TRACECA in 2009 has been actively interested in the effective functioning of the routes of the international transport corridor Europe-Caucasus-Asia.

During the meeting, the relevant topics of discussion were the implementation of the Action Plan of the Permanent Secretariat for the first half of 2020 and program of actions for the further development of the TRACECA corridor.

Among the priority issues of the Agenda of the meeting, the issues of transportation, containerization of goods and improvement of the border crossing procedure during the implementation of cargo transportation along the routes of TRACECA member countries were highlighted.

The Secretary General shared his plans, initiatives, vision of the prospects for developing the potential of the international transport corridor (ITC), as well as the steps being taken to involve both the direct participants in the transportation process and stakeholders in a dialogue on the real possibilities of the ITC TRACECA routes.

In the current conditions of interregional trade and the transport of goods along the main routes of international transport corridors, the political will of the participating countries and economic opportunities are of paramount importance. 
Thus, as part of an exchange of views with the Iranian Ambassador to Azerbaijan, Javad Jahangirzade, Mr. Assavbayev noted the importance of determining the current status and resuming negotiations with Afghanistan on the issue of joining the TRACECA.

The development of transit routes in Afghanistan is an important direction for improving transport communication not only for the country itself, but also for the neighboring countries of the region.

Mr. Ambassador expressed his opinion on the possibility of discussing this issue during the preparation of the official visit of the Secretary General to Iran after the decline in the spread of coronavirus disease COVİD-19.

The meeting also discussed the implementation of the electronic form of TRACECA permits, transportation safety, as well as the application of an integrated management system for border crossing procedures in rail transportation.

The meeting participants discussed the implementation of the TMTM project from the point of cargo attraction in the framework of bilateral cooperation between MA TMTM and PS IGC TRACECA. The route offers real opportunities for productive service of international cargo transportation.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA