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On January 31, 2020, Mr. Asset Assavbayev, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA, met with Mr. Kestutis Jankauskas, the Ambassador, Head of the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Azerbaijan


Taking into consideration regional cooperation within the framework of TRACECA activities, the participants of meeting discussed processes and issues of an interregional and economic matters, as well as operational activities in the context of the European neighbourhood policy and the Eastern partnership.

During the meeting, TRACECA Secretary General presented the priority areas of TRACECA activities 2020-2023, the vision of the Permanent Secretariat to ensure the harmonized development of transport in the region, and the volume of cargo transportation along the TRACECA corridor. 

Special emphasis was made on the effective and unified implementation of the "single window" customs concept in accordance with best practices throughout the corridor. 

TRACECA sees its involvement in carrying out of the idea stated in the Joint Communication by the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy to the European Parliament and the Council of Europe as of 15.05.2019:  “The EU and Central Asian countries will step up cooperation and ensure synergies in planning for transport connectivity and in laying down the necessary regulatory frameworks, including to connect the well-developed TEN-T framework with networks in Central Asia, including through the Southern Caucasus and to other regional networks”.

Taking into account the background of interaction with the European Commission, Mr. Assavbayev and Mr. Jankauskas emphasized the importance and relevance of exploring further ways and opportunities for cooperation, as well as maintaining a transport dialogue in the TRACECA-EU format.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA