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On February 19, 2020, in the office of the PS IGC TRACECA Headquarters there was held the meeting between Mr. Asset Assavbayev, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA and Mr. Bakyt Yusupov, Charge d'affaires of the Kyrgyz Republic in Azerbaijan


"At present, the priority actions of the Permanent Secretariat are aimed at further developing and strengthening cooperation with the stakeholders, interested parties and beneficiaries of the TRACECA region," the Secretary General noted.

The main focus of the meeting was on active use of the opportunities of the Europe-the Caucasus-Asia corridor, taking into consideration the huge cargo-generating potential of the member-countries of the TRACECA region. They also discussed issues of cargo export along the route of Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan-Turkmenistan-Azerbaijan-Georgia.

For his part, Mr. Yusupov proposed to organize a joint presentation on the railway route under construction from China through Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan.

The participants of the meeting shared their views regarding the attraction of additional cargo to the routes of the TRACECA corridor, organizing regular container services, setting tariff conditions in the Europe-the Caucasus-Asia region, and, in general about the effects of developing transport corridors in Central Asia.

During the discussions on the latest developments and prospects of TRACECA, an exchange of views was held on problematic and priority issues, strategic and integration prospects of the region in order to further implement the main goals and objectives of the IGC TRACECA.

Moreover, an agreement was reached to hold a joint presentation for representatives of business structures regarding the advantages of the TRACECA corridor.

The upcoming visit to the Kyrgyz Republic, which is scheduled for the first week of March this year is envisaged in the framework of the Plan of Events of the PS IGC TRACECA for 2020 and official meetings of the Secretary General in Central Asia. In this regard, any assistance from the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic will be highly appreciated by the Permanent Secretariat.

At the same time Mr. Assavbayev informed Mr. Yusupov about the possibilities of visiting BCPs during his visit to Kyrgyzstan, as well as – the necessary actions taken to strengthen the involvement of the country in the TRACECA activities.

The participants of the meeting exchanged views on the prospects and advantages of participating in the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (TITR) project and the ongoing negotiations on the Memorandum of Cooperation between the PS IGC TRACECA and the ALE “IA “TITR. 

The parties stressed the importance of cooperation between the Embassy of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Permanent Secretariat within the framework of TRACECA activities and agreed on close mutually beneficial cooperation.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA