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On February 14, 2020, representatives of the Permanent Secretariat and the Ministry of Transport of Uzbekistan exchanged views in the office of the IGC TRACECA Headquarters in Baku, Azerbaijan


During the visit of Mr. Avazjon Tursunov, Head of Licensing and Permit Issuance Department, and Mr. Avazbek Sultonov, Сhief Specialist of the International cooperation and Foreign Economic Relations Department of the Ministry of Transport of Uzbekistan, discussions on further development of the transport dialogue and active participation of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the TRACECA international transport corridor (ITC) were held in the Permanent Secretariat.

During the discussion, the participants paid special attention to the problematic issues of developing the transport and logistics system, using the large-scale transport potential, and developing proposals to eliminate the bottlenecks. In particular, currently the PS is actively working on mainstreaming the list of issues and bottlenecks in the TRACECA corridor.

The parties exchanged views on the Plan of Events of the PS IGC TRACECA for 2020, which includes the visit of the Secretary General to the Central Asia countries and the Republic of Uzbekistan as the first destination. 

The Secretary General emphasized that there are a number of legal documents, agreements and protocols, as well as a number of initiatives the implementation status by the Republic of Uzbekistan whereof needs clarification. Accession and implementation of the provisions of these documents will allow the introduction of digital elements in transport (for example, electronic Carnet TIR) and electronic consignment notes CMR. 

At the same time, one of the important topics of the exchange of views was the TRACECA Guide on Border Crossing and the need to provide the BCPs and border-crossing requirements by the Uzbekistan Party. The discussions were focused on invigoration of the activity to simplify and to accelerate border-crossing procedures. 

On the outcomes of the meeting, an agreement was reached to provide additional information by the Uzbekistan Party on the range of issues addressed, on the work carried out by Uzbekistan on international routes, procedural issues, tariff policy, and the TRACECA Road Map.


Currently not available


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA