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On 7 March 2016, Mr. Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General met with Mr. Vassilis Maragos, Head of Unit, Regional Programmes Neighbourhood East, DG for Neighbourhood and Enlargement Negotiations, European Commission


The Agenda of the meeting included issues on different topics regarding TRACECA Master Plan, TRACECA Structure, Investment Forum, and etc.

Discussion touched the issue of the upcoming Twelve Meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission (IGC) TRACECA in Odessa, Ukraine, to be held on 1 June 2016. Mr. Ciopraga invited Mr. Maragos as a Representative from the European Commission. 

Within the meeting, Mr. Ciopraga mentioned the possibility of the visit of Mr. Maragos to TRACECA Headquarter which is located in Baku, Azerbaijan.

Mr. Ciopraga expressed his appreciation for the efforts of the European Commission to include TRACECA to Eastern Partnership Transport Panel with the status of observer. 

In addition, Mr. Ciopraga underlined to Mr. Maragos the importance of the TRACECA Master Plan for 7-year period in all TRACECA region and asked for EU support during the realization of the new technical assistance projects within its further implementation.

It should be noted that TRACECA Master Plan (a strategic document) for the 7-year period developed by the Technical Assistance Project LOGMOS II and defines the principal steps in this respect. The plan contains a number of technical recommendations, a set of common technical rules and regulations. This strategic document will involve a number of pilot projects and in perspective it will create a continuous logistic chain for efficient multimodal traffic along the corridor by providing movement along the whole way from the European Union to Eastern Asia.    
The TRACECA Master Plan will be approved by the member-countries during Twelve Meeting of the Intergovernmental Commission (IGC) TRACECA in Odessa, Ukraine.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA