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On 5 April 2016 third enlarged session of the Working Group on Multimodal Transport TRACECA was held in the regime of the web-conference organized by the PS IGC TRACECA


The Meeting was attended by the representatives of Armenia, Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Romania.

Within the Agenda of the session several important issues have been in focus of discussion.

In particular, the participants presented their comments to the text of the draft Roadmap for the development of international transport within the corridor Europe-the Caucasus-Asia in view of the prospect of the Baltic countries accession.

Regarding the process of accession of Kazakhstan, Moldova, Turkey and Ukraine to the Agreement on the development of Multimodal Transport TRACECA, the participants has been informed that domestic procedures on the consent to Moldova’s accession were finalized, as for Kazakhstan – domestic procedures are on-going. 

Kyrgyz Party has sent corresponding Note to the address of the MFA of the Republic of Azerbaijan on their consent to the accession of Ukraine to the above said Agreement. 

It should be mentioned that the Agreement on the development of Multimodal Transport TRACECA was signed in Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan, 16 June 2009.

Within the framework of the web-conference the Parties confirmed their positions on the elaboration and co-ordination of a single document form of multimodal transport within the international transport corridor TRACECA. At the same time the representatives of Georgia put forward new proposals concerning single multimodal transport document. 

The session participants are waiting for the written proposals from the Georgian Party on a single multimodal transport document for further discussion. 



Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA