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On 3 April 2014 Tbilisi hosted the Meeting of the Permanent Representatives of the IGC TRACECA in the MLA member-states


The main subject of the Meeting among the MLA TRACECA member states, representatives of the Permanent Secretariat, the European Commission, consultants of TRACECA technical assistance projects consisted in the discussion of proposals and visions, planned activities for the development of the international transport corridor TRACECA in view of profile plans, the MLA member states programmes and the Master Plan developed by LOGMOS Project.

The key issues of the agenda are intended for submission to the Intergovernmental Commission for further adoption.

In particular, the Meeting discussed the issues of creating the TRACECA Arbitration structure, initiated by the Chairman of the Intergovernmental Commission of 2012 - Romania; let us remind that the main objectives of establishing the Arbitration Court are the effective development of economic and trade relations in the regions of Europe, the Black Sea, the Caucasus, the Caspian Sea and Asia through creating and promoting favourable conditions for operative settlement of emergent economic disputes in the region.

During the forthcoming meeting of the Expert Group on Legal Harmonization it is planned to consider the observations, additions and comments of the member-states to the submitted drafts arbitration structure at the IGC TRACECA. 

Within the framework of the Ad Hoc Expert group there will be elaborated a technical document on creation of the “TRACECA” Multilateral Permits system in international road communication with participation of the countries interested in the implementation of this system. 

Taking into account the final development phaze of the draft new Technical Annex to the Basic Multilateral Agreement on Fundamental Principles of Railway-Ferry Terminals Operation on the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, the participants of the Meeting agreed on initiating the domestic procedures required for signing this document. 

Taking into consideration the significance of the conceptual approach in the issues of efficient development of the TRACECA region, the Technical Assistance Project “Transport Dialogue and Networks Interoperability” (IDEA II) presented to the Meeting participants a short review on the implementation of the Concept of TRACECA Expert Groups.  This regional circle of TRACECA experts on specific themes will work in accordance with definite objectives; the outcomes and reports will be submitted to the PS and the European Commission. The themes of the expert groups’ activities will be determined by the tasks which arise in connection with the increase of TRACECA competitiveness. The draft Concept was preliminarily approved and the Inception Report on the efficiency of the Expert Groups activity will be discussed at the regular Meeting of the PS.

In considering the Action Plan for 2013-2015 it was noted that at this phase of the TRACECA Strategy realization it is required to further generate and develop the integrated network of logistic knots, to crate favourable conditions for multimodal and transit traffic, including the improvement of the infrastructure component of the corridor. This will allow diversification of international transport routes under the existing conditions of severe competition. 

Photos of the meeting are available here: http://www.traceca-org.org/en/home/gallery/ps-meetings/tbilisigeorgia-03-april-2014/ 


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA