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On 31 August 2016, Mr. Ciopraga met with Mr. Ali Abedzadeh, Vice Minister of Roads and Urban Development and President of Civil Aviation Organization (CAO)


Within his trip to Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Ciopraga and Mr. Abedzadeh underlined that ensuring safe and better functioning of civil aviation is one of the highest priorities.

Mr. Ciopraga stressed that enhancement of joint cooperation among all beneficiary and non-beneficiary countries will contribute to the further successful implementation of the TRACECA projects, including civil aviation field. 

Mr. Ciopraga and Mr. Abedzadeh exchanged views on the possibility to organize Working Group Meeting or seminar regarding the safety aviation in the nearest future.

The opportunities of the civil aviation development in the beneficiary countries were emphasized during the meeting as well as the implementation of international standards and EU regulations on the market access, security, ATM and the environment.

In order to support the implementation of aviation agreements in the Eastern Partnership countries and upgrading civil aviation safety and security standards in Central Asia, in European Aviation EASA/ECAC(Security) - EaP/CA Project has started in February 2016. The four-year project aims at supporting the implementation of the European (as applicable) and international standards in civil aviation safety, security and market regulation.

It should be mentioned that kick off and First Steering Committee Meeting of EASA- Eastern Partnership and Central Asian Countries Assistance and Support Project has been held on 13 July 2016 in Chisinau, Moldova. 


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA