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On 2 February 2017, upon official invitation of Mr. Mircea Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General, H.E. Mr. Dan Iancu, Ambassador of Romania in Azerbaijan paid a visit to TRACECA Headquarter


Romania, as the member-country of the IGC TRACECA since signing of the Basic Multilateral Agreement (MLA) and as EU member-country, makes important contributions to the development of the international transport corridor Europe-the Caucasus-Asia.

Over time TRACECA has matured from a technical project to an instrument for economic development of its participating countries. In the course of its 24 years of existence, the corridor has moved from being a political vision to becoming a transnational transport corridor with concrete operations and actions.

Modernization of national projects, programmes, outlook and image for the future were in the focus of discussion within bilateral meeting.

During the meeting, Mr. Ciopraga, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA and H.E. Mr. Dan Iancu exchanged opinions on the current status of the development of the international transport corridor on the level of TRACECA-TRACECA and EU-TRACECA.

Mr. Ciopraga stressed the importance of essential support of every TRACECA member state regarding initiatives and suggestions on further development within realization of the Action Plan for implementation of the Strategy of the IGC TRACECA for the period 2016-2026 elaborated on the basis of the Master Plan TRACECA and proposals of the Parties for 2017-2020.

Mr. Ciopraga and H.E. Mr. Dan Iancu had a discussion on the Road Map for the organization of freight transportation between the Baltic, Black and Caspian Seas in communication between the Europe-the Caucasus-Asia corridor. Secretary General noted that this Road Map has been initiative of Ukrainian side who is Chair in Office in the IGC TRACECA for 2016-2017.

H.E. Mr. Dan Iancu and Mr. Ciopraga also discussed the issue of the next Meeting of the PS IGC TRACECA and official proposal of Mr. Alexandru Razvan Cuc, Minister of Transport of Romania to held the meeting in Bucharest on May this year. The date of the meeting will be defined additionally. 


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA