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On 29 January 2018, Mr. Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General met with Mr. Henrik Hololei, Director-General for Mobility and Transport, European Commission


The discussion was focused on transport problems, primarily on the development of transport infrastructure along the corridor Europe – the Caucasus – Asia, the current transport barriers, transportation of goods and further increase of traffic along the TRACECA Corridor.

Mr. Ciopraga and Mr. Hololei talked on the ongoing TRACECA activities, particularly the latest results of the PS IGC TRACECA work, as well as measures taken by TRACECA structures, aimed at the development of the corridor Europe-the Caucasus-Asia.

Mr. Ciopraga and Mr. Hololei also exchanged the opinions on the possibilities of making good use of TRACECA structures and expertise, which could be beneficial for realization of certain steps going beyond the scope of bilateral relations between the European Union and individual countries, to carry out the objectives of the EU-China Connectivity platform, having incorporated TRACECA into this platform. 

It was mentioned that the member-states of TRACECA are interested in the creation of conditions for favourable freight traffic from China to the European Union and backwards, the development of alternative corridor for oil transportation – it is these ideas which cement the corridor. 

Special focus was made on the opportunities of launching new technical assistance projects under EU-TRACECA umbrella, funding areas favourable for investment environment within TRACECA region and strengthening mutual relations. 

Mr. Hololei stressed the importance of cooperation with the EU, a long-term basis for such cooperation, capable to provide a new role of the IGC TRACECA in the development of alternative routes.

In addition, it was noted the necessity to increase the attractiveness of the transport corridor TRACECA and to make it seamless. Within the exchange of opinions with Mr. Hololei, Mr. Ciopraga mentioned that the countries aimed their efforts at creation of unified standards for sustainable multimodal transport.

In this context we observe the enlargement of the Agreement on the Development of Multimodal Transport. Initially 5 countries signed the Agreement in 2009 and became its participants. In 2016 some other countries (4) initiated the procedure of acceding to the Agreement. For effective implementation of this Agreement there works an ad-hoc Working Group. Participants of the meeting emphasized that the transport should be considered primarily as an economic driving force.  

In this dimension, Mr. Ciopraga noted that the countries proceed with their efforts in liberalizing the traffic market. The TRACECA innovation – is the implementation of the permit system for international road carriage, having been operated since 2016. So far the permit system covers 6 countries: Romania, Ukraine, Moldova, Turkey, Georgia and Armenia. Other countries are scrutinizing it closely and the enlargement of this system is being expected, as the evidence of its effectiveness is received.

On the outcomes of the meeting it was agreed on the necessity of strengthening the dialogue for further expansion of contacts with EU and promotion of TRACECA activities.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA