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On 28 June - 1 July 2014 the working visit of TRACECA Secretary General took place to the Republic of Armenia


Within the visit Mr. Eduard Biriucov hold a series of meetings, in particular, with Mr. Gagik Beglaryan, Chairman of TRACECA National Commission in Armenia, Minister of Transport and Communication, Mr. Gagik Grigoryan, National Secretary of the IGC TRACECA, representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs as well as with leading specialists of the transport sector of Armenia.

To the left: Mr. Gagik Beglaryan, Minister of Transport of Armenia, To the right: Mr Eduard Biriucov, TRACECA Secretary General;

To the left: Mr. Gagik Grigoryan, National Secretary of the IGC TRACECA in Armenia

The participants of the meetings discussed the priority issues of the institutional development of the international transport corridor “Europe-the Caucasus-Asia” and improvements of the IGC TRACECA structures, further strategic and integration prospects of the region for further implementation of the Strategy of the IGC TRACECA for the period up to 2015.

The parties exchanged opinions on the forthcoming TRACECA Investment Forum 2015, noted the main points and determined the balanced approach in the implementation of the ongoing technical assistance projects, the issues of transport infrastructure, incremental steps towards the achievement of the common goals and objectives within the framework of the corridor.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA