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On 27 April 2017 upon official invitation of TRACECA Secretary General, Ukrainian delegation headed by Mr. Viktor Dovhan, Deputy Minister of Infrastructure, National Secretary of TRACECA in Ukraine visited TRACECA Headquarter


Within the visit, Ukrainian delegation met with Mr. Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General, Mr. Akif Mustafayev, National Secretary of the IGC TRACECA in the Republic of Azerbaijan and Team of the Permanent Secretariat.

Participants of the meeting exchanged opinions and underlined the necessity to take practical steps on the revival of the TRACECA corridor.

A number of issues were in the focus of discussion. In particular, Mr. Ciorpaga and Mr. Dovhan exchanged views on the status of provided comments on the Roadmap for the Development of International Transport along the Europe-Caucasus-Asia Corridor.

Mr. Dovhan and Mr. Ciopraga clarified the importance of the issues for preparation of the upcoming Meeting of the PS IGC TRACECA on the highest level, to be held within 23 May 2017 in Bucharest, Romania.

Mr. Ciopraga emphasized that the issues of Agenda, to be considered within the PS Meeting in Bucharest is of great importance not only for Ukraine as a Chair Country in the IGC, but also for all member-countries of the IGC TRACECA.  

Within the discussion, participants pointed the necessity for joint coordinated actions within the effective communication with the European Commission, involved stakeholders and interested parties for development of the transport corridor.

Mr. Dovhan emphasized the significant role that Ukraine attach to multimodal solutions for transportation within TRACECA corridor, introduction of e-logistics for the transport corridor of TRACECA, the initiative on new EU technical assistance projects within the framework of TRACECA program. 

The key role of TRACECA corridor were emphasized in view of the purposes of ensuring sustainable development and international cooperation in the region, problems and possibilities of developing road, railway and ferry transport, as well as transport dialogue for modernization of national projects, programmes, outlook and image for the future.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA