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On 25 August 2017, upon the invitation of H.E. Mr. Koray Ertas, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkey to Romania, Mr. Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General paid official visit to the Embassy


During the meeting, Mr. Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General and H.E. Mr. Koray Ertas, Turkish Ambassador in Romania discussed the Agreement on Multimodal Transport of TRACECA and the status of the accession of Turkey to this Agreement.

As one of the most flourishing economies among emerging countries, Turkey sits at the heart of a major crossroads in global trade, bridging East and West, Europe and Asia.                     

During the meeting, it was stressed that public and private infrastructure investments in the last ten years have significantly improved transport and logistics services provided in Turkey. Many new airports have been built, and highways have spread across the country. The burgeoning high-speed train network has begun connecting major cities and the capacity of Turkish ports has been increased. 

Mr. Ciopraga underlined effective collaboration between the Permanent Secretariat and Ministry of Transport, Maritime Affairs and Communications of Turkey as well as professional skills of TRACECA representatives from Turkey for the benefit of development of whole Europe-the Caucasus-Asia region.

The meeting also included exchange of opinions on the issue of the signature of Memorandum of Understanding between PS IGC TRACECA and Chinese Silk Road Chamber of International Commerce.   

In 2015, SRCIC was founded in Hong Kong as a result of joint efforts to answer the calls for the development of One Belt and One Road Initiative, and to advance its members' growth and prosperity by offering trade and investment opportunities.

From the 36 founding members at its inauguration and the 81 country members today, SRCIC is gaining support from China and international business communities for its Silk Road spirit – peaceful cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning, and mutual benefit. With its continued expansion to serve as a bridge between corporations and governments, and between its members, SRCIC has become a vital strength in promoting the resilience of the world economy and in the construction of the Belt and Road.

One Belt and One Road Initiative is an open and inclusive platform for worldwide collaboration and interaction.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA