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On 24 October 2016, H.E. Dr. Olexandr Mischenko, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary met with Mr. Mircea Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General


H.E. Dr. Mischenko and Mr. Ciopraga discussed further development of TRACECA and most urgent issues for beneficial cooperation as well as plan of activities within the Presidency of Ukraine in the IGC TRACECA.

Participants of the meeting exchanged opinions and underlined the necessity to take practical steps on the revival of the TRACECA corridor with the view of new TRACECA adopted Strategy and its importance in the region, as well as implementing high transport technologies, organizing and improving of multimodal transport.

Within the discussion, H.E. Dr. Mischenko and Mr. Ciopraga stressed the issue of preparation of the upcoming Meeting of the PS IGC TRACECA on the highest level, to be held within 21-23 November 2016 in Kiev, Ukraine.

The issues of Agenda, to be considered within the PS Meeting in Kiev is of great importance not only for Ukraine as a Chair Country in the IGC, but also for all member-countries of the IGC TRACECA.  

The Ambassador assured Secretary General in support and assistance of the Embassy of Ukraine in Azerbaijan in case of any necessary and important arrangements.

The key role of TRACECA corridor were emphasized in view of the purposes of ensuring sustainable development and international cooperation in the region, problems and possibilities of developing road, railway and ferry transport, as well as transport dialogue for modernization of national projects, programmes, outlook and image for the future.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA