On 24 November 2015, in Milan, Mr. Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General met with Dr. Silvia Maffii, IDEA II Project Manager
The meeting was dedicated to the discussion of the issues of TRACECA Campus, Transport projects pipeline, border crossing point benchmarking, legal harmonization, TRACECA TA projects website, and etc.
Dr. Maffii and Mr. Ciopraga mentioned the work of TRACECA Campus e-learning platform, its further operation and functioning, the agreement with University of Lutsk, who will host the Campus. Mr. Ciopraga stated the necessity of the involvement of the Permanent Secretariat in the further work of TRACECA Campus and cooperation with University of Lutsk.
During discussion the issues of Transport Projects Pipeline and Border crossing point benchmarking were of the great importance.
In particular, Dr. Silvia Maffii and Ms. Claudia de Stasio, representative of the project made a short presentation on the Projects Pipeline Map. It was stated, that this activity is continuation of the prioritization process started by IDEA I project for the purposes of further identification process of regional interest and to provide a tool that could be used in parallel by several users (Countries, IFI, EC).
Mr. Ciopraga stated that there are several projects from the countries of TRACECA region and it is extremely important and useful to include Central Asia as well as Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey to the Project Fact Sheet. Secretary General also reiterated that there is an interest of the countries to complete benchmark exercise in their border crossing points.
The outcomes and decision on both issues are to be followed by future discussion with the representatives of EC.
Regarding the issue of implementation of the legal harmonization process in the countries, Dr. Maffii and Mr. Ciopraga underlined the significance of clear understanding what has been done so far and how to fill the remaining gaps.
Participants of the meeting exchanged views on new TRACECA technical assistance (TA) projects website, elaborated by IDEA II project and it was agreed to come to final decision after defining the set of technical questions regarding TRACECA official web portal.
Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA