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On 22th December 2015, Mr. Mircea Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General, and Ms Maria Magdalena Grigore, National Secretary of TRACECA in Romania, had a working meeting at the Romanian Association for International Road Transport (ARTRI)


On this occasion, Mr. Mircea Ciopraga and Ms Maria Magdalena Grigore met with Mr. Florinel Andrei, Secretary General of ARTRI, Mr. Cristian Șerban, Deputy Secretary General of ARTRI and Board President of the Arbitration Court for Transport, and Mr. Daniel Mazilu, Undersecretary General of ARTRI.

Major importance topics for the international and domestic transport were approached during discussions, such as: TRACECA multilateral permits, specialized dispute resolutions through arbitration for all transport modes, the necessity of sustaining such projects of common interest initiated by TRACECA, ARTRI and their national and international partners.

Mr. Mircea Ciopraga appreciated the potential of collaboration between TRACECA and ARTRI, based on the good relations between the national guaranteeing association in Romania for the TIR Convention (ARTRI) and the National Secretariat of TRACECA in Romania. 

Ms Maria Magdalena Grigore also officially expressed her support for the accession of the Arbitration Court for Transport at ARTRI to the Global Partnership for Sustainable Transport (GPST) project.


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA