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On 22 February 2017, Mr. Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General met with H.E. Mr. Bat-Erdene Jalavsuren, State Secretary of Mongolia Government


The main subject of the meeting between Mr. Ciorpaga, Secretary General of the PS IGC TRACECA and H.E. Mr. Bat-Erdene Jalavsuren, State Secretary of Mongolia Government was focused on the significance of developing cooperation with regional countries and the extension of transport geography along the TRACECA Corridor.

Mr. Ciopraga shared with H.E. Mr. Bat-Erdene Jalavsuren on the latest developments, plans and future visions of TRACECA and expressed his readiness to provide with all necessary assistance for accession of Mongolia to TRACECA. 

Within the meeting, discussion also touched the issues of the development of Multimodal Transport TRACECA. Mr. Ciopraga emphasized that the Agreement on the development of Multimodal Transport TRACECA is open for all Parties for accession.

In his turn, H.E. Mr. Bat-Erdene Jalavsuren mentioned that currently the Ministry of Road and Transport of Mongolia puts effort into expanding and improving national key transport networks including road, railway and air transport and develops and implements policies and regulations that are conducive to strong competitiveness and progress within the transport sector.  


Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA