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On 21 September 2015, Kiev, Ukraine future plan of activities discussed on the meeting of Mr Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General with Mr Albert Bergonzo, Team Leader of TRACECA Maritime Safety & Security II project and Mr Stephan Assheurer, Maritime Expert


During the meeting it was emphasized the necessity of the establishment of the Regional Working Group (RWG)to be provided for the Regional strategic actions TRACECA on provision of safety of navigation and protection of the environment for the period until 2021.

Left: Mr. Mircea Ciopraga, TRACECA Secretary General, in the middle: Mr. Albert Bergonzo, Team Leader of the TRACECA Maritime Safety and Security II project; Right: Mr. Stephan Assheurer, Maritime Expert

The evaluation of the effectiveness of the project during this period can be implemented only after receipt of the relevant information from the recipient countries of the project.

In addition, it is stated that assessing of the current situation and progress of beneficiaries on implementation of tasks of the project, assessment of the implementation of activities, promotion of dialogue at the regional level and the collection of requests.

Parties of the meeting underlined that it is to draw relevant complex conclusions, to give concrete recommendations and proposals on achievement of objectives of the technical task of the project and realization of the Regional strategy of actions of TRACECA on provision of safety of navigation and protection of the environment for the period until 2021.



Permanent Secretaritat of the IGC TRACECA